The woman-owner came in, gave me a long, hard stare, and then just left the room. A few minutes later she came back with stuff in her hands, and then she reached down, picked me up and MOVED ME! And then I watched as she sanded down the wood next to where I was sitting, vacuumed it up, and re-painted. And then dude, with the paint still wet, she MOVED ME BACK to exactly where I was before.

This woman is dedicated.

But mostly she is CRA. ZEE.

The man owner came in and I tried to get his attention. I whispered "Put me away, put me away, put me away" over and over, but not too loudly because I don't want to freak him out. People don't like inanimate objects talking to them. We all know what happened in Toy Story.  So then the woman-owner walked in and looked at me and sighed and looked at the man-owner brushing his teeth, and I swear I could read her mind. I swear she was saying, "Put the bag away, put the bag away, put the bag away."

He didn't listen.

Dear Blog,

Earlier today I thought the woman-owner might have given in. She reached for my top handle and I thought I was finally saved. But she was only straightening me out a little. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful. I WAS feeling a bit saggy. But how I would love to be in the upright hanging position again.

No socks today. THANK YOU.

But I'm beginning to wonder, how long is this going to go on? His towel is right above me! His big toe touched me when he grabbed his towel. But that touch didn't spark any connection in his brain. 

Nope. I'm still here.

.....Did I ever mention that I'm BRIGHT ORANGE?
Another pair today. He leaves them on the floor, she puts them in the forgotten backpack he left to rot away in this cold abandoned bathroom. And still, day-in, day-out, two times a day...he walks right past me. That ain't right.

I KNOW he sees me.


 Am I like Bruce Willis in that freaky movie with the Haley Joel kid?


  ......i see dead people.

So. Freaking. Insulted.

The woman-owner just put a pair of dirty man-owner socks into the opening of my big pocket. Just dropped them in there. What the heck, woman.
Okay. Something is up. The woman-owner straightened the floor mats on both sides of me. I moved just a little. It felt nice. But she didn't pick me up and put me away.

I see what she's doing. I'm on to you, woman-owner! You can't make me a part of your scheme!
So yeah. I'm still here. Every morning he showers, walks around me to the sink and acts like I'm not even there. I gotta admit. I thought we were tighter than that, man.
The man-owner got in late so he ditched me next to the bathtub and shower and pulled out his toiletries. But dude, he just left me there! The woman-owner came over and grabbed all the dirty clothes out of me at least. I love her. That man-owner is sure one lucky guy. I stayed here the entire day though. What's up with that? I mean, the hook is a little boring so I guess I won't complain.
Dude.  The man-owner left me in the rental car while he went to work. This is a BUSINESS TRIP?! What a load of crap. Why would anyone go to Orlando and not party it up with Donald and Pluto (my personal favorites.) I was so hoping for a chance to rub up against Cinderella, or even Sully. He's so fuzzy. But whatevs. Next time, right?

Back home to my lonely life on the hook in the closet.
Dear blog,

Sorry I haven't written in a while. Honestly not much has happened since my owners took all of the out-of-date 72 hr. kit supplies out of me. Considering the Vienna sausages had exploded, I was pretty relieved actually. Since then, I've gone on one or two campouts, but not really anything to blog home about.

But anyway, something big happened today! My man-owner took me on a trip! Just a one-nighter, but hey! I got to ride in an airplane and now we're in Orlando, son! Woot woot! Me and the man-owner, off to par-tay in Mouse-Town. Yeahhh! It's late, but I'll blog after our big day at Disney tomorrow.